Fashion Influence

Long ago people started wanting to stand out from the crowd and tried to be different from other people by changing their clothing. This was the moment when fashion first appeared. Currently, fashion is sometimes defined as a constantly changing trend. However, it is necessary to say that at the present moment fashion has a deeper influence on the life of people and possess more than just trifling reasons for its existence. Fashion through clothing has become an integral part of the self-realization of every person.

Fashion Influence

People have been using clothing and accessories for many years to decorate the human body. From various parts of the world, people present themselves in different ways and they may follow certain trends and make their own trends and trademarks. Fashion and style changed from each era. The major change occurred after World War I; it shocked everyone by their own styles and morals. In the early days, people used to wear clothes in such a way that their appearances give out the gender, age, economic class, and sometimes their intentions. Fashion is a medium through which people communicate about their occupation, class, and wealth.

Fashion InfluenceFashion Influence
Source: Pinterest

Fashion is an overlapping and interconnection of bodies that involve the promotion and production of dress and the actions performed by the individuals acting when they are dressed. Fashion clothing examines the connection between colonization and clothing material. People are spiritual and social beings, where their identity is affected by clothes in both realms. Modern tyrannies attacked the spiritual authorities of various cultures directly or indirectly by abandoning the traditional dress they need to wear and wear the clothes of modernity like party clothes of various communist moments and clothes worn by those riding the waves of fashion.

Fashion InfluenceFashion Influence
Source: Pinterest

Of course, there are many factors in the flight to and from tradition and fashion, and perhaps clothing seems a trivial matter with which to be concerned, for clothing does not fully make the identity of a person; as Dickens says in his ‘The Great Expectations’. Food and shelter, is an important factor in life, the individual and the environment in which the individual lives helps to interacts with others. However, ‘Fashion is not about utility. An accessory that is merely a piece of iconography used to express individual identity’ as stated by the famous Lauren Weisberger in her notable work ‘The Devil Wears Prada’.

Fashion InfluenceFashion Influence
Source: Pinterest

Finally, to say, Fashion does influence the world largely by significantly depicting one’s identity and character through clothing and other trends.


This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. McDollups

    Amazing…remided me of a scene from "devil wears parada"

  2. Shikhar Raj


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